Heinrich Schütz Konservatorium Dresden

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The members of our ‘Juniorbigband’ are primarily young people aged 9 to 14, as well as those preparing for our ‘Bigband’. We are particularly looking for more brass players (trombones/trumpets/tenor or baritone saxophone). We play whatever the young musicians like – from pop music to jazz.

Ensemble director: Andreas Reuter
Contact: via the school office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal day/time: Wednesdays 4 to 5.15 pm
Rehearsal location: Kraftwerk Mitte, Lichtwerk 22, Room 206

Interested young people are more than welcome.


'Soulid' is a band that celebrates the hottest songs and grooves from the crossover pop, hip hop, RnB, soul & funk and dance genres. Elements of jazz and rock are also involved and shape the band's unique sound. The focus is on vocal and instrumental diversity and professional performance.

Instrumentation: Saxophones, Vocals, Piano/Key, Git, Bass, Drums

Ensemble leader: Arne Rudiger
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal day/time: Mondays 7 p.m.
Rehearsal venue: HSKD (Glacisstraße 30/32, 01099 Dresden), room B 0.6

‘Wednesday Evening Rhythm Section’

This ensemble is aimed predominantly at pianists, percussionists, guitarists, and bassists who have already mastered the basics of their instrument. Our main priority is to enable them to confidently accompany various soloists (e.g. singers or brass players) in various popular styles, such as jazz, blues, rock, pop, and funk. Improvisation also plays a key role here.

Conductor: Tilman Droste
Rehearsals are held every Wednesday 7pm-8pm Glacisstrasse 30/32, Room B 0.8 (ground floor)

Happy Drummers

The ‘Happy Drummers’ are a group of young adults with intellectual and physical disabilities, who are all committed to drumming. They use all kinds of drums, percussion instruments, and even everyday items, drumming with their hands, sticks, and mallets. Rehearsals are held weekly at the INPUNCTO workshops run by Lebenshilfe Dresden e. V. The emphasis is not so much on authentic style when interpreting the pieces (which are a mix of rhythmic arrangements and improvisation); it’s all about the grooving!

Led by Holger Schanze, a percussion teacher at the HSKD, the co-operative project run by the Heinrich Schütz Konservatorium Dresden and Lebenshilfe Dresden e. V. has been enriching the music college’s offerings since 2003.

Ensemble conductor: Holger Schanze
Contact: via the student office (0351) 8 28 26-45 or -46

Rehearsal venue: at the Inpuncto workshops run by the Lebenshilfe Dresden e. V.

Alpha Project

"Alpha Project" is a pop band in which adults with intellectual disabilities sing and play various instruments. The band was created in cooperation with Stadt AG - Aktives Netzwerk für ein inklusives Leben in Dresden e.V. The pieces are arranged according to the abilities of the ensemble members.

Ensemble leader: Marco Pfennig

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