Heinrich Schütz Konservatorium Dresden

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Musikalischer Auftakt – unser Neujahrskonzert am 10. Januar 2025

Freuen sich über die Unterzeichnung der Schirmherrschaftsurkunde für »UnGehindert musizieren«: Annekatrin Klepsch, Barbara Klepsch, Holger Schanze und Kati Hellmuth (v. l. n. r.) | Foto: Andreas Schwarze
Freuen sich über die Unterzeichnung der Schirmherrschaftsurkunde für »UnGehindert musizieren«: Annekatrin Klepsch, Barbara Klepsch, Holger Schanze und Kati Hellmuth (v. l. n. r.) | Foto: Andreas Schwarze

Mit einer großen musikalischen Bandbreite und berührenden Beiträgen eröffneten wir das Jahr 2025 am vergangenen Freitag mit unserem Neujahrskonzert in der Historischen Schaltwarte im Kraftwerk Mitte. Dabei waren Solistinnen und Solisten sowie Kammermusikensembles des HSKD mit Beiträgen von Barock bis Jazz in diesem einmaligen Ambiente zu erleben.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir als Gäste unseres Konzertes Barbara Klepsch (Sächsische Staatsministerin für Kultur und Tourismus), Annekatrin Klepsch (Beigeordnete für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Tourismus der Stadt Dresden), Mitglieder des Kulturausschusses der Stadt Dresden, Stadträtinnen und Stadträte sowie Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Fördervereine des HSKD begrüßen konnten. Frauke Roth (Intendantin der Dresdner Philharmonie) betonte in ihrem motivierenden Grußwort die Wichtigkeit und Bedeutung kultureller Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche in Dresden.

Sichtlich beeindruckt von den Beiträgen zeigte sich Barbara Klepsch, der wir herzlich für die Übernahme der Schirmherrschaft für unsere Initiative »UnGehindert musizieren« danken und die im Rahmen des Konzertes gemeinsam mit unserer Musikschulleiterin Kati Hellmuth sowie Holger Schanze, Fachberater Inklusion, die Schirmherrschaftsurkunde unterzeichnete.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön gilt zudem allen Mitwirkenden und Ihren Lehrkräften!

In der DNN am 13. Januar 2025 erschien der Artikel »Hoffnungsvolle Harmonien in Zeiten der Dissonanz – Beglückendes Neujahrskonzert des Heinrich-Schütz-Konservatoriums« von Andreas Schwarze.

1. HSKD Band Summit

Herzliche Einladung zum 1. HSKD Band Summit!

Am Sonnabend, dem 1. Februar 2025 | 19 Uhr werden drei Bands unseres Hauses in der Blauen Fabrik (Eisenbahnstraße 1 | 01097 Dresden) dafür sorgen, dass kein Fuß mehr still steht :). Zu erleben sind:

»The NoNamers« (Crossover Pop / Soul / Funk / Hip-Hop / R&B) | Leitung: Arne Rudiger

»X minus Y« (Rock / Pop) | Leitung: Kerstin Flath-Fischer

»Rhythm Section« (Jazz / Worldmusic) | Leitung: Tilman Droste

Der Eintritt ist frei, um Spenden wird gebeten.

Weihnachtskonzert unserer MusikSchützen

Am 5. Dezember verzauberten unsere MusikSchützen der 120. Grundschule ihre Mitschülerinnen und Mitschüler, Eltern und Geschwister sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer mit einem fröhlich-besinnlichen Weihnachtskonzert.

Insgesamt 20 Kinder aus den Gitarrengruppen unserer Musikpädagogin Susanne Schillack sowie unseres Musikpädagogen Grigor Shagoyan musizierten im Musikraum der Schule und stimmten die Zuhörenden auf die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit ein.


Music and dance are the most beautiful gift - We have free places!

How about an extraordinary gift for Christmas? Making music and dancing at HSKD? We currently have vacancies for the following instruments and dance classes:

Recorder (Mondays at Kraftwerk Mitte)

Contact: Michaela Niedermeyer (head of the woodwind department), Tel. 01520-8126430, niedermeyer.michaela@hskd.de

Trombone jazz/rock/pop and guitar jazz/rock/pop

Contact: Andreas Reuter (Head of Jazz/Rock/Pop Department), Tel. 01520-6353044, reuter.andreas@hskd.de

Classical guitar

Contact: our colleagues in the school office, tel. 0351 82826-45/-46/-47, schuelerbuero@hskd.de

Dance class ‘Boys only III’ (dance for 5-year-old boys, Wednesdays 4.45-5.30 p.m. at Kraftwerk Mitte, Lichtwerk 14)

Contact: Petra Steinert (Head of Dance Department), Tel. 0162-2946118, steinert.petra@hskd.de

Dance for adults (Wednesdays 7.30 to 8.30 pm at Kraftwerk Mitte, Lichtwerk 14)

Contact: Petra Steinert (Head of Dance Department), Tel. 0162-2946118, steinert.petra@hskd.de

We look forward to seeing you!

Our B.I.O. is travelling to the German Orchestra Competition 2025!

‘Exciting’ - The title of our B.I.O. concert last Saturday, 23 November, was the programme in more ways than one: not only did we welcome three guitarists from our partner music school “Szkoła Muzyczna I stopnia” from Wrocław, but also the jury of the 9th Saxon Orchestra Competition.

They certified our B.I.O. under the direction of Birgit Pfarr as having participated with outstanding success! The orchestra has thus earned the right to take part in the German Orchestra Competition 2025.

We would like to congratulate and thank the musicians, their director and all the helping hands behind the scenes for their special commitment!

A very successful visit to Hamburg

Congratulations to Vera Anna Nikulina and Kyrill Förster on their outstanding results at the ‘Jürgen-Christoph and Jutta Behn Award’ (JCB Award) for woodwind and brass instruments at the Hamburg State Youth Music School.

Vera Anna (class: Ulrich Höntsch) won 1st prize in age group II (12 to 15 years) with her bassoon. Our horn player Kyrill (class: Andreas Roth) was honoured with a 2nd prize, also in age group II.

We are delighted and would like to thank the two outstanding HSKD ambassadors, their teachers and the accompanists Elena Rubinova (HSKD) and Yoko Aoki!

A breath of international air at the Yasuo Kuwahara competition for solo mandolin

Our student Michaela Harnisch presented herself impressively at this year's ‘International Yasuo Kuwahara Competition for Mandolin Solo’, which took place from 18 to 20 October in Schweinfurt. Michaela is taught by Birgit Pfarr, whom we would like to thank for her commitment!

Maja Schütze, a former HSKD pupil, also took part in the competition and played her way through to the 2nd round.

Successful at the ‘conTakt-junior 2024’ competition

Yevheniia Holubiatnykova (Violine) beim »conTakt-junior Wettbewerb 2024«
Yevheniia Holubiatnykova (Violine) beim »conTakt-junior Wettbewerb 2024«

We are very pleased about the excellent result of our students Yevheniia Holubiatnykova (violin, class: Elena Havel) and Barbara Schmidt (viola, class: Salome Schammer) at the ‘conTakt-junior Competition 2024’, which took place in Dresden at the end of September.

For her convincing audition, Yevheniia received a ¾ master violin from master violin maker Sibylle Fehr-Borchardt and a master bow from master bow maker Gerald R. Knoll. Barbara won a master viola from master luthier Gaspar Borchardt and a master viola bow from master bow maker Christophe Collinet.

We would like to thank Elena Havel and Salome Schammer for their commitment!

What a wonderful celebration! - Ceremonial opening of the HSKD in Lichtwerk 14

Ceremonial handover of the keys from Annekatrin Klepsch to Kati Hellmuth (Photographer: Oliver Killig)
Ceremonial handover of the keys from Annekatrin Klepsch to Kati Hellmuth (Photographer: Oliver Killig)

Last Saturday, 7 September, we celebrated the opening of our new premises at Kraftwerk Mitte, Lichtwerk 14, in the best summer weather and with many guests.

Lars Seiffert (SachsenEnergie board member) and Annekatrin Klepsch (Mayor for Culture, Science and Tourism of the state capital Dresden) warmly congratulated our music school director Kati Hellmuth on moving in and presented her with the symbolic key. Our big band ‘Bigbandexplosion’ delighted the audience with great groovy songs in the unique ambience of the Historische Schaltwarte, our new orchestra rehearsal hall.

Under the motto ‘We are colourful!’, the seventh Kraftwerk Mitte festival took place from 11 am. Concerts, dancing, hands-on activities and guided tours were organised throughout the site. We were also there with our dancers (also together with the go plastic company in the ASPHALT performance), the girls‘ choir, the boys’ choir, the Benjamin Orchestra and a Latin percussion improvisation performance by the percussion department.

Our guests were also able to take a look at our new rooms during several guided tours.

PS: Our big band is still looking for new trombone and trumpet players! Please contact the school office (tel. 0351 82826-45/-46/-47 or schuelerbuero@hskd.de).

Free places in our dance courses

‘If we danced more, the world would be a different place!’
(Andreas Nero Nick, German composer and lyricist)

We still have places available in our dance classes and courses for children, teenagers and adults. Children aged 4 and 5 who enjoy movement and play can take their first dance steps in our ‘Early Dance Education II’ and ‘Early Dance Education III’. We also offer several courses for adults, e.g. modern/contemporary dance for adults/seniors (60 plus).

You can find an overview of all our programmes in our timetable (in German). Dance classes and courses with free places are marked in green. Due to the preparation of several events, we ask that new students only register during the first half of the school year (until February 2025).

We look forward to seeing you!

Photo above: John Gilmore, photo below: Philipp Micheel

Honorary teachers at HSKD become permanent employees

Photo: Johannes Haupt
Photo: Johannes Haupt

At the Dresden City Council meeting on 16 May 2024, it was decided how the ‘Herrenberg ruling’ of the Federal Social Court of June 2022, which states that music school teachers may no longer be employed on a freelance basis in future, will be implemented at the music school of the state capital Dresden. As permanent positions are associated with significant additional costs, the stakes were high - in the worst-case scenario, the teaching volume could be cut by 50%.

At the meeting, the Dresden City Council voted almost unanimously in favour of converting 1,520 annual hours per week into 50 full-time equivalents (full-time and part-time) subject to social security contributions. In doing so, the City of Dresden, as the legal entity responsible for the in-house operation, is sending a positive signal in favour of safeguarding music and dance lessons to the same extent as before for the new school year and, at the same time, for music and cultural education in the City of Dresden.

In addition, the Lord Mayor was instructed to negotiate with the Free State of Saxony and the federal government regarding the permanent co-financing of municipal music schools. The additional costs for 2024 are to be financed from the annual result of the municipal budget and must be included in the upcoming budget negotiations for the following years from 2025. The financing package also includes a one-off fee increase of 10% instead of the regular 2% per school year.

Further information on the Herrenberg judgement

The WDR radio report on the Herrenberg judgement explains once again very clearly why the HSKD and with it probably the majority of music schools throughout Germany are currently in great difficulties.


You can easily support us financially via the ‘Bildungsspender’ portal without having to spend any money - sounds contradictory, but it's true :).

This video (in German) explains how it works. Give it a try!

You can find us here: www.bildungsspender.de/hskd/

... We are happy about any help for the equipment of our new premises at Kraftwerk Mitte!

Music education is sustainable

... who or what, if not them! But we are convinced: THERE IS MORE! And so, together with other cultural institutions in Dresden, we have set ourselves the goal of making sustainability a central theme of our thinking and actions. The central starting point is the climate-friendly and responsible use of all resources.

As a first pioneering step, we signed the "Dresden Charter for Sustainability in the Cultural Sector" with numerous other cultural institutions in our city on 13 January 2022.

Now it is time to bring the common guiding ideas to life with lived sustainability, innovative ideas and the joy of conserving resources. And you are also asked: What can we at the HSKD contribute to the protection of our nature and environment? Where do you see potential for improvement?

Send us an e-mail at oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@hskd.de. We are curious :-)!

Zum News-Archiv

Events (in german)

62. Regionalwettbewerb »Jugend musiziert« im HSKD 24.01.2025-26.01.2025 | HSKD, Glacisstaße 30/32, Aula.: Violine solo, 26.01. Viola solo, Ensemble Alte Musik HSKD, KWM (Raum 2.06): 25.01.2025 Schlagzeug solo | Leitung: Regionalausschuss »Jugend musiziert«

62. Regionalwettbewerb »Jugend musiziert« 24.01.2025-26.01.2025 | Uhr | HSKD | Leitung: Sächsischer Musikrat

FORTBILDUNG TANZ: Folkloreelemente und ihre Anwendung im Kindertanz (8-12 Jahre) mit Maud Butter, Dresden 25.01.2025 | 10 - 16.30 Uhr | HSKD, Kraftwerk Mitte, Lichtwerk 22, Wettiner Platz, 0167 Dresden | Leitung: Petra Steinert

Anmeldeschluss: 15. Dezember 2025 unter steinert.petra@hskd.de

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